In order to balance the negative effects posed by afflictions, Islam draws our attention to their expected fruit. Problems and troubles serve as means to expiate sins and elevate the believer's rank in the Hereafter. This optimistic and positive approach safeguards one from falling prey to despair and grief. Meaning. The Arabic word yallah (يلا) is understood and used by all Middle Eastern nationalities. Depending on the situation, the word "Yallah" might imply let's, hurry up, come on, or okay. This word is primarily used in informal contexts in spoken language. It isn't frequently used in writing or in really formal settings. Life is always not perfect it is always a struggle. To win, keep fighting with your problems in life. Never give up hope. Never be in doubt and never complain about whatever is happening to you. Ask ALLAH Azzawajal with a deep patience through HIS lovely name. Let's go ahead with this jewel Muslim Prayer for Help from ALLAH. 14. Death can come at any time, so in order to die as a Muslim, you must live at all times as a Muslim. There is no time for later. 15. Death is not the biggest disaster in life. The biggest disaster in life is, When our fear of Allah dies when we are still alive. 16. 1. The verse in which Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): "So know (O Muhammad - peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that La ilaha ill-Allah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah), and ask forgiveness for your sin, and also for (the sin of) believing men and believing women.". [Muhammad 47:19].
Cry out to Him and tell Him how you feel. Yaqub (عَلَيْهِ السَّلَام) said "I only complain of my suffering and my grief to Allah" (Yusuf 12:86) Ask Allah to heal you and give peace to your heart. Ask Him to help you understand how this was for the best. Ask Him for the strength to move forward.
3 / 4. Allah knows best, in Arabic الله أعلم ( Allahu 'alam, literally "Allah knew"), is an Islamic phrase that finds frequent usage in Islamic literature such as the tafsir. In Arabic as a whole it is used in instances where the speaker does not know the answer to a particular question. In Islamic historical and theological writing it Kata Mutiara Islami (Foto : Shutterstock) Dream - Bagi seorang muslim, tujuan tertinggi dalam kehidupan ini adalah Allah SWT. Segala sesuatu yang ia lakukan akan bermuara pada tujuan untuk meraih ridha Allah. Karena itu, penting bagi seorang muslim untuk memahami konsep cinta (mahabbah) kepada Allah SWT.

Ya Allah Protect Us From the Evil Eyes. May Allah Protect you and Your Family. Ya allah protect the ones i love. May allah protect us from all calamities.

  • ya allah why always me quotes